Tier-One specialise in creating the worlds foremost precision, military specification scope mounting and firearms support products.
Tier One has created innovative shooting accessories since our inception in 2008. Tier One have consistently developed new, groundbreaking products for the market and have always used the finest materials available in our products.
A recent partnership with Zeiss USA is in recognition of years of hard work and quality in manufacture. Tier One were chosen out of hundreds of manufacturers worldwide to design and manufacture Zeiss' own line of scope mounts, available now on their website.
Tier One has also pioneered carbon fiber products in the shooting industry, being responsible for one of the first and most commercially successful carbon fiber bipod designs. We have continued to develop and innovate and the results are the industry-beating Tier One Tactical Bipod and Evolution Bipod
Watch this awesome video to get a handle on all the great products:
 tier-one new zealand